
 Student life

My name is Justin Vera, 18 years old now, and I am the schools president and a second year enrolled at John Paul II Junior College. I am pursuing an Associate’s degree in English and I am a perspective graduate of their 2019 commencement exercises. 

I am delighted to talk to you all today about the student life at JPIIJC. Where to begin, from the outdoors to in the classroom environment, there is never a dull moment with our friends. The atmosphere is one of the main reasons as to why this is possible. Matter of fact, this weekend I spoke with an old colleague that is currently enrolled at UB and his reaction is not what I expected. He seemed exhausted, he said that his main drive for going forward was that he had to, so that he could get a good job. He said that and it broke my heart what he followed up and said, he does not go to our school but the face and the smile he had when he told me he heard about the parties and activities that the school had, and how the teachers hung out with the students. UB teachers talked to the students only because they had to. Here at JP we do not believe in that, I do not believe in molding unhappy robots, I know that our hearts long for happiness and I promise that you will find that coming here to JPIIJC.

Mission trip

Held in May of last year, some students of JP went all the way down to the southernmost district of Toledo. We were told that we were going to some Mayan villages and also to the Pallotine sisters. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect, I love new experiences, and boy was that a new experience…I felt like a kid in a candy store most of the time…we went to a village that the only source of energy was solar, and not everyone had. Thatch houses were scattered all around. We even had the chance to eat at the houses of some people, and we even saw a kid that had an agouti as a pet, an agouti for those of you who don’t know is basically a really big rat. We had so much fun talking to the older sisters who gave us awesome insight to history and life experience. The trip was one of the first of its kind, Belizeans helping Belizeans…JPII not only crams info into your brains… here we make you grow as a person who knows his purpose and loves others as Christ did, so trust me when I tell you John Paul II is the school for you. 

Friends of MCHS scholarship

The friends of Mount Carmel scholarship is a unique but very helpful scholarship. In short it is a scholarship that pays for everything at JPIIJC. But it is so much more than that, think back to first form all your volunteer teachers that came, now move on to second, them also, now third, they are also included, even those now in fourth form, all those volunteers help with monetary donations, so that you can have a future, so that you can become who you are meant to be. My recommendations for you is that you apply for it, there is no need for you to risk your future because of your laziness, apply, it is not a hard process. 


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