As we approach Lent...

As we approach lent we must think of three things: in Spanish it is oración, limosna y ayuno. In English it’s prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. 

We, especially I, will think of these things to have a more joyful Easter. For weeks I have been pondering on what to do for each. 

My prayer life could use some work. I have never really formed the habit of daily prayer or praying the Rosary, so I decided for Lent I want to PRAY the Rosary daily

I was not too sure what almsgiving was so I searched for the definition.  

        Giving alms is about donating your time, money, services, or resources to others.

Even though I strive to live as a volunteer, I feel I struggled the most with thinking of how to do this one. At the time I am writing this I still do not know what to do for this. 

I thought fasting was going to be the hard one but through homilies, videos and prayer I came to a pretty quick decision that I shall be FASTING from videogames and social media.

That is kind of the reason why I decided to make the blog active and give it a new look because of my time that I need to step away. I need it. I have put my readings on hold, prayers and many things aside due to my heavy reliance on it. 

I hope you found this informative and at the very least entertaining. I would like to end off as Fr. Tony says,"Cuaresma santa, Pascua feliz." or in English "Holy Lent, happy Easter".

What is your prayer, almsgiving and fasting for this Lenten season?


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