Is it right?

Is Media Ethical?

Here is an example of media entertainment, that gives of a message that has questionable ethics.

The following title is a clickable link to the trailer on YouTube. Warning! It has coarse language not suitable for younger audiences. 

In this movie superficially it is... disturbing especially the ending. 
Yet, if you dig a little deeper, you see it represents the segregation of society and the stereotypical representation of food items highlight this. 
Keep digging and you see that the movie believes in a nihilistic philosophy. Basically what this is, is that nothing means anything. Filling life with self pleasure and temporary “fulfillment” pleasing only to yourself.
Obviously this is a dangerous ideology, and having such a humorous plot, they can swindle anyone into believing and perhaps living out like the characters. 
Why this is so dangerous is that the lifestyle seems so appealing. 
Though the entertainment media has movies that are ethical and portray uplifting messages, not all are so.
Please, comment and share your ideas.


  1. Eloquently put together! Note that not everyone who comes across this post will not agree with you. There are many people out there who embrace the YOLO ideology which perfectly fine with them.

    1. True, and I respect that. Yet, the way that it is animated suggests that it could be for children, though it has been rated R, some kids will download it illegaly and watch it anyways. Instilling in them the ideology and not letting them think for themselves.


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