The Story of Aylan

The following is a link to this boy’s story. Be warned, it has graphic images; I advise viewer discretion.

The Story of Aylan Kurdi

Click here to see the video Story of Aylan

In the article and also the video, an image of the boy shown alive at first. The intention of this making the first picture (on the right) of this story, a picture of the boy while he was alive and happy, was perhaps for people to have a glimpse of what a happy life this child had, despite what he went through, feel sympathy towards not only his death but the death of countless other refugees. Honestly, I feel as though this gets viewers more emotionally attached to the story if they do that.  

Honestly, I dislike when people take photos like this and publish them, but it truly is the best way to inform people. Based on the video, people are taking action and sympathizing with refugees. There may be better ways of making the public aware, but this has proven to be the fastest and most effective.

I agree that the Turkish Media Agency, Dogan, has printed the pictures of the dead boy washed up on the shore. The images are graphic, but it is the reality that many people face. No one wants to leave the comforts of home and cram into a rubber boat not being able to even afford life jackets, unless staying is worse than leaving. Staying is not an option, but at least people are facilitating it for them because of these pictures. 

Ultimately, what made this story newsworthy is that it appeals to human interest, no one who has a heart could scroll down, or turn a page after seeing the image. Also, the significance being that the amount of refugees affected is so great. 

I encourage further discussion on the topic, comment below 


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