Why so Clumsy?
You have eyes, a brain, and reason that accompanies it.
So, you choose to continue reading this post. However, you feel the need to ever so discreetly check and see if she is online.
"Nothing much, just a peek."
You tell yourself things like this to console the fact that you are dying to get that message! Obviously, you don't.
You start thinking about food. You picture in your mind your favorite culinary delicacy. Now your mind has deviated from the lonesome thoughts. Those thoughts that seem so absolute at times that you have thought about ways of ending them, they seem inescapable.
Until the pizza guy shows up.
Yes pizza!
You picture yourself eating it before you even open the box. The smell alone causes your mouth to water, your stomach gets itself ready. Your brain is overjoyed. All it can think about is the task at hand. When...
The phone rings.
Probably not important. You set the box on the table. You are opening the box, when...
The phone rings.
You wonder who it could be. You are distracted, and because of this, you walk to the fridge and open it. You stare inside and you close it. You forgot what you were doing. You are about to peek in again when...
The phone rings.
It hit you! Not an object, but the realization.
It may be her! For an instant, even if it is only playing out in your mind. You are getting her call!
You play it cool. You don't rush to your phone. You see the caller ID. It was just the bakery calling to see if you still wanted the cinnamon rolls.
Well, it was not her sweet voice you got to hear. But still. Hell yeah! Cinnamon rolls!
You call back.
You hear they answer and start saying:
"Hello, I would like a dozen cinnamon rolls please."
On the other end you hear muffled laughter. You start wondering, and for an unknown reason you peer at your phone and see that you called back. Only to not call the bakery! You called her!
As you walk into work, you see that she is in her cubicle. Obviously she will not see you, but, why risk it? You run! Not jogging speed. You run as if Usain was trying to tag you!
Under normal circumstances, you would be fine; however, you did not see the small raise on the floor, so you trip. And land.
Guess where.
Now you are in front of her. Your face is red. Your shirt is hooked on some office supplies, and you have spilled coffee on the floor.
You do what any normal human being would do in a situation like this. You run!
You go back home.
You miss a week at work.
How can things get any worse?
Ding Dong
You have no idea who it could be. You just drag yourself to the door and open it without even asking who it is. Perhaps it is a murderer, or a robber, either way; they would be doing you a favor, until you see...
She asks you if you are okay. You shrugged and said you could be better. After you said that she laughed, she laughed at your half ass joke! You ask her if she is okay. She smiled and said that she is. She had just come by to see how you were doing. Also she wanted to drop of something. She handed you a brown paper bag, and she left. Before she walked away you asked her if she wanted to go out for lunch some time. She told you it would be nice, Friday works for her. You play it safe and just tell her "cool". She walked away, and you close the door slowly. As it is shut, you
Start jumping out of joy! You run to your calendar on the wall,
It's Thursday!
How can you get yourself cleaned up in time for the date?
Is it even a date?
Well, you don't want to brag but it went pretty smooth.
Matter of fact you played it a little too cool!
You doubt yourself now.
You start thinking of all the ways she will dump you.
You think of the ways that she will embarrass you during the meal.
Or worse...
How you will embarrass her!
Your phone rings.
You answer and it's her!
She asks if you have opened the bag yet, you haven't. So you tell her the truth. She said to you that it explains why you were not thanking her yet. She tells you to open it. So, you do. You hold the phone with your shoulder and keep it up to your ear as you open the paper bag; you smell it before you even see it. There it was. A dozen of them. Cinnamon rolls! At first you are confused, then it hits. She remembered that the awkwardness started with you calling her thinking that it was the bakery.
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