Silence of the Soul

Now, the record shall unfold from the scroll once neglected, and the party hither shall read of a journey ending in the purest tragedy ever taking the flesh. Behold I shall be your raconteur of this account. 
Mankind has granted me many names.  I fancy the corresponding name of the Bard of Avon. 
Once, walked on the earth a man of great vanity. His mention, infamous throughout the region, though to contemporary man, he is just another forgotten soul drifting across these symbols of black and white. 
And so his story begins:
Alexander, lived a full life. This man, despite his young age and small stature gained accomplishments rivaling, perhaps even greater than most men thrice his age. 

He was hollow. He Brandished this absence by indulging in wine and prostitutes. Those around him could not keep up, despite being more seasoned in the things of the flesh. These things pleased him, but he continued his search for something more. 

It exists.

One cold evening, as Alexander left the tavern, a woman clothed in only a robe called him to her. Known for not being shy, Alexander took the woman and made love to her in an alley. 

After the lovemaking, his face did not look tired, rather unsatisfied. The woman saw this and asked if she pleased him. He answered with a no. She told him of a place of legend. This place is unlike any other.

He needed to be “full”. 

Alexander demanded for the whereabouts of this place. The woman told him the direction he should follow.   

Alexander listened to the woman as she told him to head north. As far north as his body would stand. For the place lied north, beyond steep mountain ranges the place lay below the northern star. The rumored place known among few as Arcadia.   

The details seemed sparse. But the coldness of the woman’s gaze made Alexander was confident and desperate. So he embarked on the journey. No expense spared, he rallied his army, spilling no detail. He told his men he wished to conquer more land up north. This is normal behavior for Alexander, so no one questioned him, rather, no one dared. 

However, as the people grew tired, and the rations ran low, and the reward seemed unappealing, the men began to question. Alexander maintained his stance of wanting to conquer up north. 

For some time, doubt invaded the minds of the men, and Alexander allowed it for some time. Perhaps because his mind slept in Arcadia. The murmuring ensued and Alexander needed to put an end. 

Early one morning, a high-ranking officer questioned Alex’s destination. Before hearing a response, Alexander plunged his sword through his ear canal and exited the other. And, he puled it back out, never breaking eye contact with the cavity that is now filling up with blood and gray matter. 

Alexander walked away.

Alex came out of his quarters and told everyone that he would continue on his own. Shocked at his statement, but not daring to question his decision, everyone left. Once alone, a familiar face emerged out in the distance. Alexander went to meet her. Once again he made love to her. And after, they laid on the ground. The woman whispered in Alexander’s ear; she told him to take her with him. He agreed. 

After much travel, and after many days passed, night time befell the land. Both Alexander and the woman saw the fabled star that she had spoken of. It looked as if it was almost above their heads. 


They carried on, scaling the last of the high mountaintops, they saw that the star looked over a valley. They went down. But arriving there proved another challenge for Alexander. He had lost sight of the woman. It proved only a minor inconvenience because upon further inspection. Alexander beheld such a place that seemed to be indescribable with words. Arcadia. He has arrived. 

Being a man of many talents and much experience, he built shelter.

The next day Alexander woke up and explored the valley. He saw there was a stream not too far off from where he set up camp. So he drew nearer to the waters. He drank from it vigorously. And decided to start traveling upstream. He felt a pain in his abdomen. A result perhaps from mountain scaling. He decided to turn around. Again he drew nearer to the waters. As he was going to drink from it once more he heard a noise. Alexander turned around, sword drawn. The sound of faint footsteps in the distance. 

It was the woman. Alexander did not question where she had been. Perhaps she had fallen behind, or perhaps she explored on her own. It did not matter. 

Alexander went to her. This time they did not make love, not yet. He guided her to his camp.  
There he laid her body, as his arm drew nearer to meet her, he began coughing. 

Alexander coughed and felt a pain in his abdomen. Soon after, a headache began. His body felt as though it were on fire. The woman, vanished once more. With no one to take care of him, and his health deteriorating, he decided to leave Arcadia. 
As he left, loose rocks made him slip and fall. His strength exhausted and and his body sore, he lay on the floor.

The life seemed to be slipping away from him. 


Alexander dies of typhoid fever!

No one is the villain in their own story.

Arcadia (Greek: Αρκάδια) refers to a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. ... Arcadia is a poetic shaped space associated with bountiful natural splendor and harmony. The 'Garden' is often inhabited by shepherds. The concept also figures in Renaissance mythology. 



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