Teach Di Nation

Title: Teach Di Nation
Duration: 30 seconds
Client: Belize National Library Service and Information System (BNLSIS)
Date: February 20, 2021



1.     At Dangriga (at the “Drums roundabout”) a group of young (25-30) male Garifuna drummers, dressed in yellow white and black, play a beat while older (30-60) Garifuna women dance to the beat.




2.     A woman with an apron and a hairnet looks into a bedroom just to find it empty.

3.     Cuts to the woman looking in the living room.

4.     Cuts to the woman looking in the backyard.



5.     Cuts to the woman panicking and on the verge of tears. Until she hears a woman on the street tell her that her child is at the library.


6.     The woman runs into the library and sees her son (8-10) in the children’s section reading a book. She walks up to him and starts asking him what he is doing.


7.     The kid looks up at mom, smiles and answers.




8.     The screen fades into a slide show of all of Belize’s library’s (Punta Gorda Public Library, Independence Public Library, Leo Bradley Library, Ignacia Cacho Public Library, Allan Arthurs Public Library, San Jose Succotz Community Library, Benque Viejo Public Library, San Ignacio Public Library, Santa Elena Public Library, Las Flores Community Library.


9.     The screen turns black and links to BNLS appear.  https://bnlsisblog.wordpress.com/ https://www.bnlsis.org/


SFX: Garifuna drummers drumming a beat (With drums made of hollowed out hardwood (mahogany or mayflower). This percussion has one drumhead of skin from peccary pig, deer or sheep. The Garifuna drums are played by the hands and are seated.)


Weh mi Pikni deh?


Weh mi Pikni deh?

Weh mi Pikni deh?


Ohhh gash!

SFX: A conch shell in the background blows


You pickni gan da di libry Ms. Maaay

SFX: The drums tempo slows.



MOTHER: (in Creole)

Weh you di do Timmy?

SON: (in Creole)

I di read mommy.


SFX: The drums tempo quickens.


Weh mi Pikni deh?

Mi pikni di read.

Weh mi Pikni deh?

Mi pikni di read.

Weh mi Pikni deh?

Mi pikni di read.



Mommy! You know weh you pikni deh?



Always know weh you pikni deh.



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