Fill in the blank...

...and keep going. “I really ought to eat more_____.”

I've had this statement in my mind for some time. Recently it has been the loudest it has ever been. One of the volunteers at JP2 is a vegan. She introduced this to me a few days back. I watched the video that changed the way she thought and ate. For your viewing pleasure I'm leaving the link here as the least that I can do for her and what she offered to me. 

I watched the video and I liked it. I found I somewhat already knew what he was saying, watching his presentation highlighted those things for me. He mentioned a video called "Meet your Meat. After his presentation I was craving more information and I googled it. I found the video and watched it. To my surprise, tears rolled down my face as I watched the video. It reminded me of the time I went to a farm and was a part of branding a cow. I have told so many people about that experience, yet I felt that it was nothing while watching that video. Sadly, I did not become a vegan. I wound up eating a burger for lunch the same day I watched the video. However, I ate really late. It took me hours to process what I had seen. Although it made sense to me, I still chose convenience over an ethical option. Perhaps what I wrote here will not interest you, but there might be someone that watches the presentation and changes their lives and the way they view the things that go into their body. 
I haven't stopped yet, I didn't make the change instantly. I ate vegan pancakes and pesto today, and I made beef ramen for lunch. Just yesterday I was speaking about this gradual change with Ms. Ashley. We made the comparison that much like with your faith life, some people are converted by one singular event in their life, others change gradually. Either way there is a life worth of time to choose and to change. 


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