JP2 Year in Review

JP2 Year in Review         By: Justin Vera           ‎February ‎6, ‎2019

Greetings reader, we here at the only junior college in Benque Viejo Del Carmen, John Paul II Junior College, applaud your efforts and admire your taste in writings of the truth brought to you from the source (NAME OF NEWSPAPER HERE). 

The following article is the short 2018 year in review for the school. As you will see the school partook in many new endeavors, and continued many old traditions as well. Perhaps you participated in some of them, perhaps you saw us carrying out some of them, or perhaps you have never heard of such endeavors being taken, without further ado, here is what you so long to read:


This Month kicked off the second half of the year for the school. The beginning of the month (1st-9th) saw the end of the Summer English Course. This is a one credit class that all incoming students are encouraged to take. In the middle of the month (14th-19th) the incoming students, having completed the English summer course, went on the Outdoor Leadership Adventure in the Mountainous region of Pine Ridge. This is one of the many unique programs offered by this institution. The students along with other student leaders and teachers are placed on the top of a mountain above the valley of society and left to survive for a week with no outside form of communication or contact. Each day is more strenuous than the last, and all of it is done in effort to mold each student into one of the leaders of tomorrow. The students had a short break after the completion of the OLA and everyone returned at the end of the month (27th) for their first day of classes for Semester I and Convocation Day. New faces as well as old ones all greeted each other in complete confidence and brotherhood. 


The most patriotic month for our future leaders. This month saw two holidays, now that probably would be enough joyous news to many others, those holidays being for the tenth and the twenty first. However on Independence eve (20th) the school held an Independence Day vigil that included prayer time with their creator and the one who blessed them with the country that they call theirs. Followed by the presentation of the student council for the school year. Each individual took upon themselves an oath to serve diligently their school and classmates. The night went on, and ended in fireworks, good food, laughter, karaoke, and dancing with the teachers. That last bit is what might strike others as strange. TEACHERS?!?! Yes, teachers. 


The month filled with traditions and beliefs sprinkled with religious convictions. A real treat came at the very start of the month (3rd) with Poets from both sides of the border visiting and presenting their work. The month began the start of volleyball season for the JPII athletes (5th) with their debut match being at the SHJC auditorium against Galen U. The students were graced with the visit of Ambassador David Gibson (11th). Mid-Month (15th) marked the beginning of mid semester, also there was no classes due to the Pan American Holiday. Due to the holiday, the student council held a leadership workshop at Clarissa Falls. A week later (23rd) the school celebrated their patron saint’s feast day. Along with the religious prayer celebrations was a talent competition whereby various students and teachers displayed their talents. The night culminated in great food and music. That same week (26th) progress report cards were issued. At the end of the month, those of John Paul gave community service to the town of Benque Viejo del Carmen’s cemetery. They cleaned the cemetery and planted trees on the perimeter of the grounds. This is in connection to the Feast of John Paul ll which was celebrated last week Monday at the Junior College. This is just one of the ways students and teachers making an impact in our community.


At the beginning of the month (9th) JPIIJC students went to the ICJ forum at UB in Belmopan. This month I personally do not remember anything sorry reader, the students focused on school work this month—probably why not much is remembered—oh yeah and the thanksgiving holiday (22nd). On a Saturday (24th) the school hosted a very special chess tournament that offered a scholarship to this great institution as first prize. The students also had the pleasure of having two distinguished lecturers back to back (28th-29th) that came and informed on the upcoming ICJ referendum. Yet another reason as to why everyone was more preoccupied with their work…the second annual Art exhibition that featured the work of all the second year students (30th) debuted at the end of the month.  


The beginning of the month (7th) marked the last day of regular classes because Exam week would begin the following (10th-14th). After surviving the exams, the students finally distributed the items collected throughout the month for the food drive (14th). Also on the same day, (14th) the annual Christmas party took place. The night started with Posadas outside the gates of the school. Upon entering sister Trinidad gave a short talk about the traditions around the time. After that the countdown to the turning on of the new lights started. The countdown followed by the ecstatic shouts of joy by students illuminated brought joy to the entire school. The night followed on with a piñata, food, music, and lots of good times. After the first years exchanged gifts, and the games ended, and the music lowered, the hugs and many teary eyed goodbyes came. The students had earned the following Christmas break (17th-Jan 6th).

Now that you have heard about some of the things that happened last year…why not come and see what we have in store for you this year? Or better yet come and join the family. Come witness even more, come witness what we do behind the scenes. Come experience the school that is upon a mountaintop for all to see. Come join the family, not this year, but today!



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