Mission Trip Reflection

 #1) how did you encounter Christ very clearly this week?

Playing with the kids. I had retired from two of the various sports that I once played. On the first day we went to it and just went all out and played with Domingo's kids whom I had no idea who they were. However as the days passed, I had the time to reflect on why I would play and participate in so many sports. It basically boiled down to wanting to impress girls. But within that I had time to recall something I had promised with a friend long ago. We would not share our first kiss until we were at the altar. Even if it wasn't to each other. As the memories came back of the girlfriends I lost because I kept firm to my promise I became super bummed out. I had lost so much for something I promised so long ago. Coupled with the fact that I just kept remembering the words of so many people scolding me because I have so much talent but I refused to let it grow. All the silent time in prayer showed me that it is and always will be worth it. In the future I will be an excellent example for my kids. Now is even greater! I am no longer the dick I once used to be that was vain and proud. I am no longer a nihilist that did things unknowingly and in the now. I look to the future, and that I hope and pray will be alongside God in Heaven.

#2) what would you tell a friend about this experience?

Experience it for yourself. If you come to JPII for the sole purpose of going on these mission trips, I would be elated. There is no greater joy to me than to serve without expecting nothing in return. I have gotten a bad reputation with others, and going to a new place where no one knows you allows for a fresh start whereby you can go and serve God fully without worrying about trivial stuff. I always overthink situations, possibilities and their outcomes. It has helped me thus far in making decisions, but not in service. I have never understood what mother Teresa has said about if you lacked time, pray more. I always thought that was baloney, until these mission trips! We do Morning Prayer, evening prayer, prayer at each meal, rosary, and so many other tiny prayers from the heart throughout the day. So yes I have only an advice to give, and that is to GO ON THE MISSION TRIP!!!

#3) describe a project—what value do you think is brought to the community and your own self?

The Green House. So I am a bit sad to not have seen the initial state of the green house because I was doing something else at the time. However, I was a part of a two day team that was digging dirt to add to the beds. It was awesome! The first day I had no idea what was in store for us. Mr. Jacob took us all the way to the edge of the village where we saw some guys shoveling sand. I was supper pumped and got really impatient, so I asked if we could help. We went all out and I felt pretty exhausted half way into shoveling. I only thought to myself “ah crap, I’m already tired and we haven’t even started” lo and behold…a pickup comes to our aid! I was so happy! I jumped on and we saw all the guys really happy for the help and they waved at us. The digging was fun also. We spent a lot of time with Santiago. He reminded me of the kid from Earnest Hemmingway’s story the old man and the sea. I kind of hoped the kid turned out like him. Any who, we talked about all kinds of stuff. And he was super nice. He even lent me his bike! I rode a bike in Aguacate! The time spent was well worth it. I know that the facelift will be put into much use. Santiago is great at finding donations so I know that the green house will surely teach so many generations to come and feed so many people. Food, one of my many likings, and I got to help other people be able to grow their own! Freaking awesome! The project helped me most of all connect with an older head of their society. 

 #4) how are you different today than you were a week ago?

Refreshed. I love the various trips held throughout the course of the year here at JPII. An interesting fact is that I was not sure of going. I was faced with so many obstacles: my laptop needed a new hard drive, I got fired from a newspaper job I had, my new job required me to have a laptop, and another job was going to overlap with a week that I would be at Aguacate, among others. I had almost thrown away the thought of going. However, one Dr. Penados came and talked about some stuff that re-kindled the fire. I AM GOING! Before anything, I prayed for confirmation that this is right and that it is the will of God for me. I was reassured, so I worked countless sleepless nights and paid of most the bills, I managed to pay the $80 and had enough left over for some snacks. I figured that there would be one lesson that I needed to learn either about myself or that I should put into practice. So if I am not mistaken, that lesson came when my knees gave way when I was playing football. It was all so clear to me. I am no longer the “athlete” but I don’t want to be that. My body may fail, but my spirit is strong. No matter what, not a waterfall climb, not crossing a river, not even laid in a bed in a vegetative state could break my spirit. A week ago I had thought that it was pure strokes of luck, or my body’s strength. Nay! It was not my own strength, it was God’s. A week ago, I did not value being in close proximity with people, it made me super uncomfortable. But the week prepared me to be able to get the bus ride back to P.G. I feel that prior to the week, I would never have had a heartfelt conversation that lasted so many hours. I would not have mended that relationship. The only thing that I am not proud of is that I could not mend our friendship Ms. Natalie. I flat out Fkd up. I am so sorry. I wanted to ask to talk to you because I wanted to tell you personally that I am sorry. But I just physically couldn’t. I walked up to you and as I saw you I just kept walking. I am sorry, my decision has purpose though. I have learnt through the past year in reading the book you gave and attending various leadership programs that a real leader trains those that they can replace him. Russell is exactly that person. I see the potential that he has. I want him to be my successor. I have not told anyone that because I fear their judgement but I feel more that I would resent their unbelief. A leader is a visionary and I see that Russell has what JPII needs to ignite fires in the hearts of the students. I am sorry that I could not tell you this in person, now I feel as though a little weight has been lifted, but I really wish that we could talk, about that and about the book you are reading. It sounds pretty cool and interesting.       

‎January ‎29, ‎2019


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