I Recorded Ms. Ashley today

Well actually yesterday. I started writing the post yesterday. I left it to watch Star Wars the Clone Wars. 😁

Here at Guadalupe Media we are still recording pilgrims that went to World Youth Day 2023 for our feature story. Today I recorded Ms. Ashley Gillett 

I asked if she was okay with taking a picture after recording, and she said yes. I want to post some of the pics on YouTube community.

This was one of the pics I sent to Mark for him to see if the recording looked good. The above one is the final shot. 

This one is how it looked before. off to the side looks better because it looks more like an interview, which it kind of was, even though I was not on camera, and you couldn't hear me. 

We're planning on recording someone from Benque next. I'm going to record them but with a phone this time. 

Stay tuned to see who that person is. 


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