Would you rather...

This is last week's script for the morning show activity


Check it out on the link above.

Back by popular demand is the “Would you rather…” activity.

How this works is we will ask a question starting off with “would you rather”, followed by two scenarios we can choose from. 

Normally we are not allowed to say both or neither, but today we can say both or neither but we will have a “punishment” if we do. 

Our punishment for not choosing a scenario is we will have to eat Snacker’s Chiladas fiery habanero with Marie sharp’s hottest pepper sauce (HORNET SAUCE). 

Since we don’t want to torture eachother we have some remedies to the capsaicin which is the chemical that makes our mouth feel like it is on fire. And capsaicin is fat soluble which means it dissolves in fat. 

Some fats that we have as remedies are: ice cream sandwiches, dark chocolate, milk, butter,  and cod liver oil and we are going to move from nicest to grossest as we keep eating the sauce.


The viewers and listeners can play along and if you are watching on Facebook or Youtube you can comment your answers. Let’s get into it. 

Would you rather…

  1. Be David and have it recorded that you had an affair with a married woman and had her husband killed or be like Solomon and have an intimate account of your love affair in the Bible?

  2. Have been Mary watching Jesus be crucified or been one of the thieves next to him?

  3. have been destroyed by water in the flood or by sulfur in Sodom and Gomorrah?

  4. (For girls) have to wear a head covering for your whole life or no make up?(For boys) have to wear a head covering or never shave your beard and not cut your hair?

  5. earn lots of money doing a job you hate or not earn much doing a job you love?

  6. marry someone rich who cheats on you or someone with no money who is faithful?

  7. Would you rather be: a. Peter, deny Jesus three times b. Judas, betray Jesus for money

  8. Would you rather: a. Live your whole life believing in Jesus, only to find out you were wrong about everything b. Living your whole life NOT believing in Jesus, only to find out you were wrong about everything

  9. Be like Zechariah and made mute by an angel or like Jacob and have to wrestle with an angel?

  10. Anoint Jesus’s head with oil or wash his feet with your tears?

Check out the full episode here:


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