I found a job!

2/23/2023 9:15 PM

No I'm not a bum. I've been working since I graduated junior college. Nothing too serious and nothing that paid well. My first real job that paid well was not my favorite. I wanted to leave but I did not feel like I was ready for any other job. Weeks passed and turned into months as I kept thinking of a career path I could take. Almost nine months later, on February 16, 2023 at 2:53 pm, I got a call that gave me an opportunity to work for Guadalupe media! I had volunteered there for almost three years, I would record people for interviews, processions, stations of the cross, and masses. At one point I recorded masses during the Sunday lockdown during the pandemic. I slept at the parish and recorded the 7 AM mass. I have given my two week notice. One more week left. My last day will be on March 3rd.  

4/20/2023 10:56 PM

5/9/2023 3:46 PM

Two months! I have been meaning to write this a lot sooner. Proof of this comes from the empty time stamp. I am working at Guadalupe Media now. I am so much happier here. I now live and work in the building. I buy groceries and cook for myself. I had to go back to my 100th post to see the goals I had planned for this year (https://verajm.blogspot.com/2023/01/my-100th-post-this-years-goals.html). While I'm reading it I noticed...ehh I haven't improved my sleep schedule. Losing weight... well I have gone down a couple some weeks and up again some others so that isn't done yet either. However, the third goal: Find a job. Well I did! I said on the post, "I want to find a job that I am not only proud of but would die for (maybe literally maybe figuratively)." I meant it. I was looking with that intention. I found it here at Guadalupe Media. I am in what many consider a dangerous place but not once have I felt unsafe or worried about anything. I am at peace with the work and I want to make this my new career. 


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