I'd Rather burn in HELL...

Yeah, you heard me right the first time. 
I'd rather burn for eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone. 
I'd rather do that than be in heaven with the people I dislike. 
I would fucking hate to be a two faced son of a bitch any longer. 

Sure, Heaven sounds great, one day I'll miss it. 
I sure as hell won't miss being around them. 
I would make an effort. I tried, oh God knows I tried. 
I just, can't spend another moment around them!

That prince of perdition better make way for this motherfucker. 
I got nothing to live for and I sure as hell ain't got nothing to lose.  
The mere sight of them make me want to ring their necks. 
Sure, that would be so much fun, but then we'd meet again. 

God, seeing their faces forever, that would be hell! 
Those big cow eyes that scanned me up and down, 
Those stupid tattoos I wanted to burn off their backs,
Those fake smiles that tried to be ambassadors of peace!

Thinking about them, just the thought of them gets me so bitter!
I wish I knew where we would end, so that I can wander away from them all.
You heard me, I am the man so proud I wish for my own damnation.
I am the man that would rather burn in hell than be in Heaven with those I dislike.


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