Area One

I'm John Brown. I'm twenty-eight and I live 
With my mom. My height is five eleven 
And I think I'm blood type O-positive.
I like cars, vodka, mac & cheese, and toast.
There is nothing too special about me. 
I am average at best, and I am
Okay with that. The thing is that one day 
I was chillin on the couch thinking and...
The thought hit me! That damn thought hit me! Think 
About it, the bloody secretive place
Is called Area fifty-one. FIFTY-ONE!
That has to mean that there are at least let's
Say fifty other places like it right?
Who knows how many more come after the 
Fifty-one. For sure fifty-one is not 
The last one. Who ends something on such a 
Weird number? Mommy...mommy I learnt to 
Count to fifty-one! Doesn't sound right does it?
I might be an average john... humor 
Me. Do you really think we have all the 
Latest technology available
For the public? It might be a good thing. 
We might not be able to handle it. 
Here's a blender powered by a neutron 
Star. Imagine grandma handling that force.  
I think about what all kinds of stuff is 
In there. Fifty-one has probably been 
Compromised. It got too popular so 
They moved stuff to the others. I'm mad! I'm 
Not mad at them or that they are hiding 
Technology. I sort of agree with 
Them on that. I'm mad that they are lying. 
Imagine how much answers we could have 
If we entered into area one. I 
Would not even blink so I could see all
Flying objects, undisclosed elements, 
Experiments, creatures with wings, and scales, 
And skin different than my own, and things 
In the vaults, work on the tables and things 
Being tested. Engines of war concealed
Until the time is right or is it wrong? 
I don't know. Perhaps that is another 
Reason we are kept in the dark. Its so 
frustrating not knowing, maybe one day.


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