I'm Back! Sort of...

I haven't written a blogpost in what feels like an eternity. Don't worry I was okay. I was busy with other creative endeavors, like my YouTube channel...which hit the 50 subscribers goal I wanted for this year!

Earlier tonight I was checking old saves I had on Facebook. Whilst I re-watched so many funny cat videos, and memes I came across two saves: The first was this:


That led me to this:


While I listened to this:


I have been sifting through ideas for blog posts but I think the best way to get back into the swing of things is to...WRITE! So, I'm going to try the 10-day creative challenge. 

For 10 days, I'm going to spend 20 minutes a day in active creativity. Using one of the twenty writing prompts from the link above. If all goes to plan the challenge ends November 5th. Wish me luck!


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